There are seven chakras. These are the centers in our bodies through which energy flows. Blocked energy can often lead to illness, so it's important to understand what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.
Your Root Chakra is located at the base of spine. This chakra or “energy center” is associated with the kidneys, adrenal glands, fear and passion, and the color red.
If your Root Chakra is out of balance, you will likely feel insecure, resistant to the physical world, spaced out, fatigued, express fear around survival.
If your Root Chakra is balanced, you will likely feel grounded, motivated and comfortable in this material plane. It is important to balance this chakra first before balancing the others, from an energetic stand-point. If you are not properly rooted into the Earth, you cannot draw energy to balance the other chakras.
How to Balance the Root Chakra:
1. Meditate.
Find a quiet, comfortable space to relax. Take several deep breathes. Visualize a red light glowing brightly at the base of the spine. Picture this red light extending down your legs and feet, grounding you to the earth. Set your intentions: trust in yourself, releasing fear, creating personal balance and letting go.
2. Practice Yoga.
Poses such as Setu Bandasana (bridge pose), Tadasana (mountain pose), Balasana (child’s pose) and Sukhasana (easy pose) help cultivate a sense of balance, grounding and stability.
3. Earthing.
Go barefoot. Take your shoes off and feel the grass between your toes. Walk in the woods. Experience the sounds and smells of Mother Nature. Sit under a tree. Direct barefoot contact with the surface of the Earth (which brims with natural, subtle energy) is the simplest way to ground yourself and balance your Root Chakra |
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